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Showing posts from January, 2016

We Are Still With You, Seven Bee

By Mel Dyer I've been warning people in Penn Branch how dangerous it would be, when our neighborhood no longer produced enough revenue to keep it competitive with the affluent communities popping up, all around us in SE. There's Capitol Hill, Near Southeast, Historic Anacostia - to keep Downtown interested in delivering top-priority EMS/police services to Penn Branch, as it did in the past.  It has been a controversial opinion to share with all of you, but, right or wrong, I have been consistent in it, ..until I have reason to consider, otherwise.  For this reason, I am not surprised that almost no one has listened...   And that day is here.   For the safety of my family, I've secured emergency resources and an exit strategy to get us - my mother is a stroke survivor - out of harm's way in a natural disaster that might prevent or delay police and EMS from reaching Penn Branch. Though it was not easy to leave, with God's blessing, I f...