by Edgar Miraculous Dyer
A woman was murdered, in front of Planet Fitness, on the lower level of the Southeast Pennsylvania Avenue Corridor's newly renovated Penn Branch Center. This happened, right here, in Seven Bee. It happened, right here, in what the people, Downtown, call our Pennsylvania Avenue Corridor. This happened, in our home.
Shouldn't that mean something to us?
Someone looked at our calm, tree-lined streets - our newly, renovated Penn Branch Center - and felt safe, as we all have, ..for a while. Filled with hope for better health and new possibilities for herself, someone was inspired to join our Planet Fitness, on the lower level of Penn Branch Center. I think about that, about how safe and assured we all feel, here, in Penn Branch, most of the time, ..and I feel connected to her, in some small way...
Like a neighbor.
That doesn't make much sense - I know - but, it means something to me.
Our prayers and good will go with the family of Ms. Thomas and to her loved ones, wherever they are. May my God, in His infinite mercy, bless and comfort them, ..wherever they go.
God bless you, too, Capicostia.
Nikiesha Thomas shot in head, killed in Planet Fitness parking lot in Southeast DC (
Edgar Miraculous (Mel) Dyer, without his fine, coyote-hatin' Goldiweiller, Kirby (now moved on to that big, coyote-hatin' hate group in the Sky) continues a somewhat bleaker, dogless existence in the Capitol Hill area of Washington, DC. He has been an active member of the Latino Culture Council of the Capitol Area (El Consejo de Cultura Latina – La Zona del Capitolio) and the esteemed Kiwanis Club of Capitol Hill.
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