By Edgar Miraculous Dyer
Capitol Hill + Anacostia = Capicostia?!
In the past, I've described living here, in Southeast's Pennsylvania Avenue Corridor (region between historic Anacostia and Capitol Hill - Penn Branch, Fairfax Village, Greenway, Westover, Twining, Hillcrest, the Randall Highlands, etc), feeling different, than living in other parts of Wards Seven and Eight - known here, as 'East o'the River'.
The snootiest (most bougzey) of us express feeling unfairly characterized, as less intellectually sophisticated and less cultured (appreciative of history and the arts), than our Capitol Hill neighbors. Others, less pretentious, like myself, understand that we have shared the same civic struggles, as have bordering neighborhoods, whose crime and drug problems regularly dominate local newcasts. However, ..we also feel that Downtown (DC Government) and the Media unfairly lumps us in, with those troubled communities.
There is a culture-angst in the air, here, that only we can understand. Bougzy or populist, we do appreciate the distinction ..of being recognized, as our own singular, unique thing, apart from Anacostia or Capitol Hill. When D.C. Government's Great Streets Initiative christened us 'the Pennsylvania Avenue Southeast Corridor', though no one, here, calls it that, in conversation, ..we accepted it.
So, why a blog, named 'Capicostia'? Less letters to type.
What is the symbolic meaning of Marvel Comics' Incredible Hulk wrestling hedonistic Wonder Woman of the Eternals, Sersi the Terrible, two titans-in-green, ..locked in cataclysmic, urban conflict?! Absolutely nothing.
Capicostia...less letters to type. That's it. The End.
Edgar Miraculous (Mel) Dyer, without his fine, coyote-hatin' Goldiweiler, Kirby (now moved on to that big, coyote-hatin' hate group in the Sky) continues a somewhat bleaker, dogless existence in the Capitol Hill area of Washington, DC. He has been an active member of the Latino Culture Council of the Capitol Area (El Consejo de Cultura Latina – La Zona del Capitolio) and the Kiwanis Club of Capitol Hill.
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