From Washington, DC's Naylor-Dupont district - Capicostia - proudly East o'the River, America's great Men and Women in Uniform, past and present...God bless you for all you have sacrificed to fight for our beloved country, on this VETERAN'S DAY, 2021...
The Airmen of America's Fighting 332nd, in a briefing, in 1945 - World War II - Capicostia honors, and is honored by, ..YOU!
Edgar Miraculous (Mel) Dyer, without his fine, coyote-hatin' Goldiweiller, Kirby (now moved on to that big, coyote-hatin' hate group in the Sky) continues a somewhat bleaker, dogless existence in the Capitol Hill area of Washington, DC. He has been an active member of the Latino Culture Council of the Capitol Area (El Consejo de Cultura Latina – La Zona del Capitolio) and the Kiwanis Club of Capitol Hill.
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